Book Appointment

Our team at Te Aranga Health are committed to ensuring you can see your doctor or nurse for the care and support you and your whānau need. 

Making an Appointment

You can book an appointment in person at 161 Pages Road, or by contacting our reception team via the phone. Our reception team are here to help you navigate the service you need, please be kind and respectful.

Phone: 0800 161 PAGES (161724)

Additionally you can make a booking, manage your booking or request a repeat prescription via: Manage my health portal.

You can also order repeat prescriptions on our website.

For enrolment information click here.


After Hours

If you need medical care when we are closed, please go to Pegasus 24 Hour Surgery located at 401 Madras Street, Christchurch or you can phone them on 03 3657777. 

 If you contact us out of hours your call will go to a nurse who will triage your call. 


Practice Plus

Practice Plus is available to patients at Te Aranga Health, offering same day after-hours virtual GP consultations that suit you. Practice Plus will provide you with medical care quickly as an extension to the team at Te Aranga Health, and is a great alternative to sitting in a waiting room for hours at a 24-Hour Surgery. 

You can access these services through your phone, tablet or laptop device. Visit Practice Plus and go to the 'getting started' tab for instructions on how to get set up on the system.
For a virtual after hours appointment

How can Te Aranga Health help today?